Blogging Tips – Instant Blog Monetization

There is nothing better than quick and easy money. And there is no quicker and easier money than putting up a certain kind of blog. This is a down and dirty, no muss, no fuss process. It’s not pretty and nobody is going to award you style points for it, but when you start to see the traffic coming in, you’ll thank me for sharing these killer tips. So let’s begin.

First thing you want to do is head on over to Google Trends. Every hour, they update with the latest hot searches. This is what people are looking for right now. For example, as I am writing this, everybody and their grandmother is looking up the Michael Vick press conference since he just signed with the Eagles for two years. Simply go to the site, find something hot that can be monetized in some way (with Vick you can always sell football related stuff) and then move on to the next step.

That next step is getting yourself a Blogspot blog. The reason you want a Blogspot blog is because you don’t have to wait for getting a domain propagated to your hosting. With Blogspot, it’s instantaneous. I can get a blog up and running literally within 10 minutes…and that’s with all that’s going to come next.

What comes next is the article you’re going to write for your blog. It should relate directly to the news event. In the case of Michael Vick, you might want to write a summary of the press conference. People searching for this phrase are going to want to know what went down. A good summary will attract a lot of traffic.

Finally, there is the actual monetization. There are two easy ways to monetize something like this. For starters, you can put some AdSense blocks on your blog. This is a great way to make some money without people having to buy anything. If you choose your keywords correctly, Google will display the relevant ads. In addition to AdSense, you can go to Amazon and get some links for football related merchandise. Just place them under your article and you’re bound to make a few sales from it once you get enough traffic.

That brings us to the final piece of the puzzle…getting traffic. You want to do this quickly, so the best quick ways are through social bookmarking and social networking. Go to places like Digg and Twitter and bookmark and tweet about your blog and you’ll have quite a few people going there. If you also have a relevant list to the niche, you can email them and let them know about your new blog.

Like I said, this is a very quick method that can, in many cases, bring you results in a matter of hours. So if you want to make money quickly, this is one great way to do it…with a free Blogspot blog.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to make money TODAY without spending a DIME? Check out my site at and find out how.

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One Response to Blogging Tips – Instant Blog Monetization

  1. Debbra Baton says:

    We still see keyword stuffing repossessed to an absurd level. I say to clients which a web page has got 2 careers to do – yes, to appeal to searchers but also critically to ‘retail’ to the individual visitor. There’s wee point getting people to the page if you after that put them off you!

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